Project Presentation

Cycle 3 - 2011

Project Presentation on Thursday, July 7th 
1. Choose one topic (a movie)
Prepare an oral presentation about:
* the movie you chose: take the following into consideration
-the type of movie
-the characters (describe them)
-the plot (trama)
-the setting
-the good and bad aspects of the movie
-your personal opinion and rating

2. Prepare material
* Use poster; or
* Use pictures; or
* Use power point presentation

3. Prepare a language exercise
(For the students who will be visiting us)
* Vocabulary game
* Grammar game
* Trivia game
* other activity you find interesting

This is NOT a reading exercise or MEMORY exercise
This presentation should be a natural speaking exercise

Marking criteria for Oral presentation:
* Relevant information
* Natural speaking (not memory or reading)
* Use of vocabulary and structures of Intermediate 2
* Creative ideas and materials